To understand what Botulism is and where it comes from food poisoning should be addressed. Food poisoning happens when bacteria grow in the food to be eaten. Bacteria leave excrements behind and they change the chemical structure of the food itself. The most common bacteria to cause food poisoning are staphylococcus and colon bacillus. They are bacteria who love protein taking up residence in meat and milk. Get to know more about these systems and their potential effects.
Once eaten the poisons produced before or after ingestion will cause inflammation of the stomach followed by the intestines. One to twelve hours later symptoms usually develop and include vomiting, abdomen pain, runny diarrhea, and low grade fever. Two days of bed rest including Pepto Bismal for relief of nausea and diarrhea plus aspirin for fever and pain are all that is needed to get well. Remember to drink plenty of water and fluids to replace electrolytes. Try drinking Gatorade.
One strain of food poisoning bacteria known as Clostridium Botulinum or Botulism thrives without air. The toxins of this organism affect the brain causing paralysis in essential areas.
Symptoms show up a day or two later. Headaches, dizziness, eye muscle paralysis, hard to swallow or speak, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or in critical cases respiratory muscle paralysis.
The best way to prevent food poisoning is to never eat undercooked foods. Canned foods are a perfect breeding ground for Botulism and should be re-cooked to kill toxins.
The symptoms of Botulism can be found in Botox. Botox says that it is not a food poisoning or even a poison and has no relation to the strain Clostridium Botulinum. Yet they grow in a culture dish a strain of Clostridium Botulinum Type A using a yeast extract, glucose, and hydrolysate mix. It is supposedly purified, cleaned up from potentially harmful toxins, to make it safe. Botulinum Toxin Type A is found in the blood, but at levels so small they are not measurable after Botox is injected.
Botox is a Neurotoxin complex. This means it will block signals to the nerve endings in muscle restricting some movement. Atrophy, wasting and shriveling of the muscle, might take place. If the muscle can’t move normally it can deteriorate.
Allergic reaction and occasional side effects involve headaches, dizziness, hard to swallow, speak, or breathe, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and droop of the eyelid from muscle paralysis. Paralyzes of muscle in areas other than injections sight and twitching of eyelids, cheeks, etc. A Weakening of muscles is necessary to relax lines temporarily for four months after which another injection is needed.
It is not clear what continued use of weakening muscles with Botox will do. Perhaps weakened muscles will eventually breakdown, and Botox will no longer be needed to achieve the desired effect.
Botulinum Toxin Type A, Botox, and Clostridium Botulinum, Botulism, each has the word Botulinum as part of their name. This would suggest they be in the same family of toxins. Each can cause Paralysis and each can make you sick. They both can cause headaches even though Botox has been used to treat migraines. They both can both cause paralysis of the eyelids. There are some people who have permanent health problems from the use of Botox and some who have permanent health problems from Botulism.